
Side Effects

Most patients DO NOT experience any side effects.
If you DO experience any of the following side effects they can be easily treated


Some patients may experience a slight headache or in rare cases a migraine. This usually occurs due to dehydration. Make sure to hydrate and obtain electrolytes as needed.


Some patients may experience indigestion or burping. Over the counter TUMS can be used to combat this. It may also be necessary to watch what types of foods cause the most discomfort and avoid them if possible


Some patients have mild nausea associated with the medication. You can get Dramamine or something comparable from your local store to help alleviate this.


Because the medication slows gastric emptying and intestinal motility, some patients experience constipation. This is usually temporary, and again it can be relieved with over-the-counter remedies.

Loose stool

If you get some loose stool with the medication, please use an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medication if needed. Patients who report diarrhea or loose stools state they subside after a few weeks of using the medication. Sometimes some mild stomach cramping can be associated with the medication. If you experience cramping or diarrhea to the point it is interfering with daily activities, you should talk to your doctor’s office (Layton Weight loss Clinic) about cutting the medication dose back until it subsides.